What Your Eyebrow Shape Says About You?


Ever pondered what your eyebrow shape says in regards to you? It's no secret that the eyes are the windows to the soul so that naturally makes your eyebrows the frame of your face. Before we even open our mouths, we can convey a considerable amount about our identity just by the way we look. This is what your eyebrows say in regards to you.

Thick brows: It indicates that you don't mind things and are more likely a free spirit. Confidence is not an issue with you and you can be quite bold and assertive.

Thin brows: Thin brows communicates how delicate you can be. You are generally a kind person who isn't drawn to conflict and you try to avoid it whenever possible. You stay calm even in crazy situations and are an all round compassionate soul.

Straight brows: Your straight eyebrows are an indication that when it comes to your personality, what you see is exactly what you get. You fall more on the logical and intellectual side and basically have your daily routines down to a science.

Curved brows: Naturally curved brows are an indication of someone with an extremely creative mind. They also signify trustworthiness so its likely you are that friend everyone can count on when things get a little rough.

Short brows: If you have short eyebrows, chances are that you are a person that is highly attentive to detail and you know how to stand your ground when need be.

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