Shower Mistakes You Might Be Making


Who knew there was a right way and a wrong way to take a shower? Showers are lovely. They're warm and they make us feel clean and refreshed. But not everything about showering is actually great for the body.

Here are some common shower mistakes that you might be making.

Washing your hair too much: By now you've probably heard that you don't actually need to be washing your hair every day. Doing so can strip the oils that are there to keep it moisturized and smooth.

Using water that's too hot: Hot water feels great on your muscles but it's not actually very good for the skin. Hot water can strip the natural oils from your skin which you need to avoid dryness.

Showering for too long: Showering for too long is another way to zap the natural moisture out of your skin. Plus, let's be honest, long showers are a bit of a drain for the environment as well. Try to wrap things up within ten to fifteen minutes to avoid overdoing it.

Using the wrong soap: Grabbing an antibacterial soap sounds productive for your health but the ingredients in those can be a bit harsh for overall skin care. Sticking with moisturizing body wash is actually better for your skin.

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