What will you do to look younger? So
hold on for a minute, take a look at these tips on how to look younger. Put
them in practice in your daily routine and keep the signs of aging away.
Choose your lipstick shade wisely: If
you're curious a way to look younger with the assistance of the correct
lipstick shade, you're already one step earlier than the remainder. A bad choice of lip color can go a long way in making you look a
few years older than you are.
Revise your makeup routine: Have you been using the same makeup routine that you used many
years back? To look younger than your chronological age, change your makeup
routine and style according to your age and facial features.
Get a flattering haircut: The trick is to keep it soft and textured. Whether you prefer your
hair long or short, a layered style often take years off your age; while
side-swept bangs give you a fun, youthful vibe.
Bust stress: The word stress not
only contributes to wrinkles but damages cells and accelerates cellular ageing
as well. Be a master of your emotions and not a slave to them. Steer clear of
negative thoughts and practice positive
thinking or relaxation techniques to beat stress.
Go for teeth whitening: Many women who
ignore this problem don't realize how even the smallest of stains on their
teeth add a few years to their looks and age. You can either use over the
counter products or go to the dentist
for whitening sessions.
Wearing the right colours: Choose colours that flatter you. As this will make you appear more
youthful and vibrant. Thus, wearing wrong colour can cause the skin to appear
sallow, pale or grey.