One of the worst feelings in the world is waking up the morning
before a big event, work presentation, party or lunch out with friends and
seeing a giant pimple in the middle of your face. It always seems to happen
right before particularly stressful events, maybe because stress and
anticipation messes with your hormones - making the pimple show up in the first
place but here are ways to make them go overnight:
Put some ice on it: Ice can instantly reduce redness,
swelling and inflammation of pimples. All you have to do is wrap a piece of ice
in a cloth and hold it on the pimple for a few seconds Repeat the method in each jiffy.
The steam treatment: Fill an oversized instrumentation with plight and let the steam
bit your face for a couple of minutes. After that, wash your face with lukewarm
water associated apply an oil-free moisturizer.
Get some apple cider vinegar: Mix up a little apple cider vinegar
with a little water for a super effective acne treatment. Put your mixture on a
cotton ball, band-aid it to your face and take it off in the morning. The
vinegar will dry out the pimple and shrink it so it's nonexistent.
The garlic magic: Garlic is extremely effective when it
comes to healing pimples. All you have to do is cut a garlic clove in half and
rub it on your pimple. Wash your skin with lukewarm water after five to seven
minutes. Repeat the process in a few hours.