Now Fix Your Damage Hair Without Cutting It


We all love our hair. We love to curl it and straighten it and braid it and wear it up for a night out with the girls. But sometimes trying to make it look good and keeping it from getting damaged seems like a never- ending battle. So here's what you can do to avoid a haircut but save your hair from getting damaged.

Say 'bye-bye' to hair color: If your hair is extremely damaged, reconsider chemical processing for the moment. And also talk to your stylist about gentler approaches to hair color such as ammonia-free and demi-permanent formulas.

Body health leads to hair health: Maintaining good overall health can help damaged hair get healthy along with the rest of your being. As with your entire body, your hair is littered with what you eat and drink. certify to consume immeasurable water, vitamins and essential nutrients.

Use a hair mask: Whether you create a DIY mask or use coconut oil or buy a mask from the drug store, there are two ways to use it. Most of us wash our hair, apply a mask, wait the suggested time  then rinse and that's great. But another way to infuse hair with moisture is to  apply the mask before washing.

Give it a break: We love curled locks and straight hair but sometimes you hair just needs a break. Embrace your natural hair and give your strands a break from the heat. Think about showering an hour before bed so you hair has time to dry naturally.

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